Options and Opportunities in Language and Culture
The Department of 世界语言 and Cultures offers courses in 中国人, 日本 and 西班牙语, building proficient listening, speaking, reading and writing skills while exploring the target language's literature and culture. 学生 may pursue a B.A. in Foreign Languages in 西班牙语 with either a liberal arts 强调 or a K-12 teaching 强调. 学生 may also choose to major or minor in 亚洲研究, selecting from a wide variety of courses in Asian history and cultures, and combined with 日本 and/or 中国人 language courses. All three languages are also offered as minors.
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Stepping Outside the Classroom
世界语言 and Cultures students participate in extracurricular activities sponsored by the 中国人 Culture Club, the 日本 Language Club and more. 世界学生 Languages and Cultures are encouraged to study abroad to gain immersive experience in the culture and language of their chosen program.